Spay & Neuter event Coron
Tuesday March 18th until Sunday March 23rd
address: INA homestay, Pali road corner felicidat barangay 1, Coron Palawan
Please fill in this form to register your animal(s).
After you have filled in this form, we will contact you to confirm the time slot and provide you with additional information you need to know about the surgery.
Any contribution you can afford is greatly appreciated,helping us save more animals. All of our volunteers work completely for free. Therefor we are able to keep the operation costs low, please see below a price indication. If you are willing to financially contribute to the operation of your animal(s), you are able to pay at the event.

Female dog
1100 PHP / 17,50 EUR

Female cat
1100 PHP / 17,50 EUR

Male dog
800 PHP / 12,50 EUR

Male cat
615 PHP / 10 EUR
Would you like to support this project?
Then buy an Animals First Foundation cap
You can buy your cap at INA homestay, Pali road corner felicidat barangay 1, Coron Palawan